Holding Fast to the Truth
Discussion Questions:
1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you?
2) Life often presents us with situations where we feel torn between trusting God's control and taking action ourselves. Sometimes this tension can lead to either passive inaction or self-reliant striving. Neither extreme captures the true nature of walking with God. How does understanding God's sovereignty change the way you approach difficult decisions in your life?
3) Many of us develop habits and routines to maintain physical health, career growth, or relationships. These disciplines often prove most valuable when we don't feel motivated to maintain them, yet their consistent practice shapes who we become. What spiritual disciplines have you found most transformative in your own faith journey?
4) We often find it natural to cry out to God during difficult times, when we clearly see our need for Him. However, maintaining that same dependence during seasons of success and prosperity can prove more challenging. How do you maintain awareness of your need for God during times when life is going well?
5) The Holy Spirit is described as our Helper, yet many believers struggle to understand what this means in practical terms. Like someone offering assistance with a technical problem, the Spirit's help is available but must be actively received. What practical differences do you notice in your life when you consciously rely on the Holy Spirit's help versus trying to handle things on your own?