Serving Like Jesus
Discussion Questions:
1. In John 13, Jesus washes his disciples' feet, a task usually reserved for the
lowliest of servants. He then commands them to do the same for one another.
What does this act of foot washing symbolize in terms of our ongoing
sanctification as believers?
2. The sermon explains that justification is a one-time event where we are cleansed
from head to toe and given a new identity in Christ. Sanctification, on the other
hand, is the ongoing process of daily having our feet washed from the grime we
pick up walking through this world. Why is it important to distinguish between
these two aspects of salvation?
3. Like Peter, we often resist letting Jesus wash our feet. We want to hide our dirty
areas and deal with them ourselves rather than bringing them into the light. What
holds us back from being vulnerable about our struggles, and how can we
cultivate greater openness and authenticity in our church community?
4. The sermon emphasizes that ministry is not about impressive results or
showcasing our own abilities, but about humbly serving others in simple ways
and trusting God to bear fruit in his timing. Can you share an experience where
you saw God work powerfully through a seemingly small or insignificant
act of service?
5. As we serve and minister to others, it's easy to slip into doing it out of duty or for
our own glory rather than as an overflow of God's love and grace in our lives.
What are some practical ways we can keep our hearts aligned with Jesus'
heart as we serve, and avoid burning out or becoming self-righteous in the