The Anointing of David
Discussion Questions
1. In the sermon, we learned that God looks at the heart, not outward appearances. Samuel was surprised when God chose David, the youngest and least likely of Jesse's sons, to be the next king. Can you think of a time when God used someone unexpected in your life or in the Bible to accomplish His purposes? What does this teach us about God's ways?
2. The sermon emphasized that David's success was rooted in his wholehearted devotion to pleasing and honoring God. His heart was set on God above all else, not on human approval or opinions. In what areas of your life are you tempted to prioritize people's acceptance or expectations over God's? How can you cultivate a heart that is fully surrendered to God?
3. We saw how the Holy Spirit empowered David for his calling as king. As believers, we have that same Spirit living inside us, and our strength comes from Him, not our own abilities. Share about a time when you felt particularly weak or inadequate, but experienced God's power sustaining you. How does remembering the Holy Spirit's presence change your perspective in challenging situations?
4. The sermon challenged us to trust God's sovereignty and goodness, even in the midst of difficulties and opposition. David modeled this in the Psalms, choosing to preach truth to himself about God's faithfulness. What are some specific truths about God's character and promises that you need to remind yourself of when you're facing hard times? How does speaking these truths out loud help reshape your perspective?
5. We were encouraged to be open to God leading us outside our comfort zones, whether that means ministering to those different from us or being willing to follow wherever He calls. Is there a specific person or group of people you sense God may be asking you to reach out to, even though it feels uncomfortable? What steps of faith could you take this week to move towards obedience in this area?