Walking in the Light

Jul 14, 2024    Elder Giff Visick

Discussion Questions:

1. Jesus' declaration of being "the Light of the world" was a bold statement that challenged religious authorities of His time. This claim has profound implications for how we understand Christ's role and message. In what ways does Jesus being "the Light of the world" challenge or comfort you personally? How might this understanding of Christ impact our daily lives and interactions with others?

2. The concepts of light and darkness are universal metaphors found in many cultures, often representing choices between good and evil, or conflicting moral values. Can you share an experience where you felt you were choosing between "light" and "darkness" in your life? What guided your decision, and how did your faith influence your choice?

3. Scripture, particularly in Ephesians, speaks about the blessings and benefits of following Christ and being in relationship with God. How has your understanding of God's love and the benefits of following Christ changed over time? Can you share a specific blessing or promise from Scripture that has been particularly meaningful in your spiritual journey?

4. The Bible often speaks about humanity's tendency to choose darkness over light, even when presented with truth and goodness. Why do you think people sometimes resist or reject what is good and true? How can we, as believers, compassionately address this tendency in ourselves and in our interactions with others?

5. Christians are called to be "the light of the world," reflecting Christ's light to others through their actions and way of life. In what specific area of your life do you feel challenged to shine Christ's light more brightly? What practical steps could you take this week to be a source of light in your family, workplace, or community?