We encourage women to "live a life worthy of the Lord and to please Him in every way." (Colossians 1:10) We love and strengthen one another through Bible studies, Ladies Night Outs, Getaways, and more.

Bible Studies

Thursday: Letters of John by Shelly Smith
How can we live more confidently and courageously for Jesus? The apostle John wrote three letters (1, 2, and 3 John) because false teachers were trying to deceive the believers. What we believe about Jesus and how we live for Him in this fallen world is of utmost importance. John will teach us to walk in truth and love. As we explore these letters, our faith will be encouraged so that we might confidently know that we have received eternal life and live courageously for Jesus.
Media room at ERCC: 9:30-11:00am
Study ends on May 16th.
Facilitator: Diane Christensen…206-930-3614
email: cfive5@msn.com

Thursday: Proverbs
See what a God-shaped life looks like when it's lived out. Proverbs describes what our everyday lives look like when we put our spiritual lives in order. Find help for every decision and apply life-giving insights to the broad range of challenges we experience in our lives: family, friendships, injustice, desire, goodness, conflict, and more.
Zoom study: 7:00-8:30pm
15 lessons
Cost: $9.50
Facilitator: Jan Sangder….206-713-5461
email: sjs1532@aol.com

Ladies Night Out

Come join us on May 8th at 7:00pm. We’ll hear an inspiring testimony from Andrea Langlois as well as deepen our friendships. It’s all about encouraging each other and growing together in Christ. You are welcome, but not required, to bring a snack during our fellowship time. If you need childcare for the evening, please notify womensmin@eastrentonchurch.org by Monday prior to the event. We can't wait to see you there!

Ladies Tea 

Sharing Our Gifts

Mark your calendars for a special Ladies Tea on June 1st from 10:00am to 12:00pm! Join us with your mothers, daughters, and friends for a delightful brunch. Our guest speaker, Rachel Sera, will share her testimony with us. Please RSVP to secure your spot for this wonderful event! If you’re planning on attending and are interested in being a hostess, please let the Women’s Ministry team know when you signup.
Questions, contact Women's Ministry 
God has blessed every believer with spiritual gifts. We are called to embrace these gifts to further His kingdom by serving and leading others. If you are unsure of what your spiritual gifts may be, you can pray for God to reveal them to you.