Extending God's Forgiveness
Discussion Questions:
1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you?
2) When we look at relationships in our lives, we often struggle to see our own faults clearly. We tend to minimize our mistakes while magnifying the wrongs done to us. This perspective can skew how we view both forgiveness and the need to be forgiven. What area of your life do you find it most challenging to admit when you're wrong?
3) In our culture, we often talk about justice and making things right. The concept of debt and repayment runs deep in human relationships, whether emotional, social, or financial. Many people live with the weight of past hurts because they're waiting for justice to be served. How has your understanding of justice influenced your ability to forgive others?
4) The magnitude of forgiveness we've received should impact how we treat others. When we truly grasp how much we've been forgiven, it changes our perspective on the debts others owe us. This can be especially powerful in close relationships where hurts can run deep. What has been your most meaningful experience of receiving forgiveness from someone?
5) Pride often stands as a barrier between us and forgiveness - both in giving and receiving it. Sometimes we resist asking for forgiveness because we don't want to admit the full extent of our wrongdoing. Other times, we withhold forgiveness because we want others to fully feel the weight of their actions. What makes it difficult for you to ask for forgiveness when you've wronged someone?