Together In Prayer
Discussion Questions:
1) Was there anything from the sermon or the passage that stuck out to you?
2) In a world that often measures success by visible results and numbers, spiritual communities can fall into the trap of evaluating their health based on programs and attendance. True vitality, however, springs from a deeper source that transcends these external metrics. What does authentic devotion to God look like in your daily life, beyond scheduled church activities?
3) Acts 2:42 describes the early believers devoting themselves to four specific practices: the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer. These practices have both formal aspects (like Sunday services or communion) and informal expressions (like casual Bible discussions or shared meals). Which of these four practices comes most naturally to you, and which requires more intentional effort?
4) Genuine devotion persists regardless of circumstances or feelings, maintaining focus on God during both easy and difficult seasons. This steadfastness often produces a sense of awe—moments where God's presence becomes tangibly real. When have you experienced this kind of awe that transcends explanation, and how did it affect your relationship with God?
5) The apostle Paul reminds us that in spiritual growth, "neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." We participate in the process through faithful service, but transformation ultimately comes from God. In what areas of your life or ministry might you need to release control and trust more fully in God's power to bring growth?